Medical Legal

Medical Legal

Medico-Legal reports are written by medical professionals who have been chosen as an expert witness in a legal case. In cases of personal injury, a Medico-Legal report is required to prove a client’s case. In regard to injuries, evidence must be provided from a suitable, qualified and experienced expert witness.

At regenmd, medical legal services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Legal Reports & Opinions, and we offer second opinions for situations that do not require the complexity of an IME, if they are needed by patients, adjusters, or attorneys. We work closely with attorneys and all other parties to review, understand, and support the complexities of each case.

With greater than a decade of experience as a practicing subspeciality orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Syal has expertise in upper and lower extremity injuries and musculoskeletal conditions.

Dr. Syal has provided greater than 100 medical legal reports and independent medical examination reports (MLR & IME). He has also been validated as an expert witness in court and provided in court expert witness testimony.

To arrange a medical-legal service please contact the office.

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